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frequently asked questions

How long will the makeover and photo shoot experience last?

You should allow between 4 to 5 hours for the experience.

I've been offered a free makeover and photo shoot experience... What's the catch?

There really isn't a catch. We are confident that you'll love your images and we hope that you will want to buy a selection of them, or want to upgrade your complimentary prints to digital images, but even if you don't, we hope that you have an amazing experience and recommend us to all your friends and family members.

Why do I have to pay a booking deposit?

Refundable booking deposits are taken to guarantee your appointment date and time. Booking Deposits vary according to experience type, date and availability and are refundable after your appointment with us.

When will my booking deposit be refunded?

If you choose not to use your deposit towards an order it will be refunded within 14 days of your appointment date.

What if I need to change or cancel my appointment?

Please make sure that you give us at least 7 days notice if you need to make any changes to your appointment date.  All bookings are subject to a 14 day cooling off period in which an appointment can be changed or cancelled without incurring any charges.

Do I have to pay for anything?

All orders are subject to a £10 admin fee which goes towards the costs of processing your order. There is absolutely nothing else that you need to pay for unless you want to buy any extra images or upgrade your complimentary prints to digital images.

Do I have to buy the photos?

No – of course not. We create beautiful images for everyday people at affordable prices and we hope that you do love them and buy a selection of your images, but there is absolutely no obligation to do so.

When will I receive my photos?

Digital images are sent out within 28 days after your appointment and printed images are sent out within 56 days after your appointment.

Can I buy my photos at a later date?

All orders must be placed at your viewing session on the day of your appointment. We take nearly 100,000 pictures a month and we unfortunately do not have the facilities to store them all indefinitely. Any images that you purchase will be stored for at least 12 months, but any images that are not purchased in your viewing session cannot be guaranteed. We do offer interest-free payment plan options so you don't have to pay for them all in one go.

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